Friday, April 3, 2020

Free Online Electrical Engineering Tutoring Online

Free Online Electrical Engineering Tutoring OnlineWhile learning about electrical engineering may be daunting, many students decide to study at colleges where they can receive some free time to supplement their studies. But before taking such courses, it is advisable to check whether they are affiliated with any institution of repute. The best places for obtaining online electrical engineering tutoring online include one's university or college as well as from reputed and licensed tutors who work within a particular company. Moreover, the tuition fees that would be charged by such companies are often quite reasonable.In the meantime, the use of some free online study programs or studying on computers would greatly help in fulfilling the long-term goal of reaching the required level. Even if there is no available teaching facility within your vicinity, chances are that you can find some online tutoring institutions where you can attend lectures or online classes offered by experienced and qualified tutors. It would be very beneficial to maintain a standard of handwriting and typing skills, if you need to access the Internet. Not only would it help you in excelling your subjects, but it will also be advantageous in terms of searching for jobs that may be applicable at the time of your graduation.You can also subscribe to some audio tapes or CDs that are related to your chosen course. They would also help in reinforcing your thinking as well as enhancing your memory capabilities. Apart from that, these audio cassettes and CDs may be also extremely helpful in keeping you motivated and interested in pursuing your engineering studies. There are a number of audio tapes and CDs that you may utilize for studying and for using it as an aid to further your career.Moreover, once you have finished your engineering courses, you could also become a registered engineer and work in such companies. As you already know, a lot of schools around the world to teach the subject of el ectrical engineering. Since so many universities have electric engineering departments, it is not very difficult to find a position in such a company in which you would be able to learn some new ideas while working. For this reason, it is important to give some serious thought before choosing the best school in which you could enroll to pursue a degree.It is extremely important to keep an overall perspective while deciding on the right institution. You would need to make certain that you would be able to find a job where you could do your best, since you are provided the chance to progress with time. The best places to get free electrical engineering tutor online include those places where you could contact some accredited and highly qualified tutors.Another great place for finding some free electrical engineering tutor online is a popular website on the World Wide Web. This site would allow you to browse through websites that would help you with choosing the best school that would suit your needs. Furthermore, you would be able to see the results of your application, thus letting you know if you should continue with the program after your admission. This could help you a lot in determining the best school that would suit your goals and aspirations.A college that has the capability of providing such high-quality education to students is truly a blessing for students who want to pursue an engineering course and those who have just started their studies. Although you might need some free time to attend classes, these colleges would be able to provide you with that time through online courses. Therefore, be sure to visit one of these colleges that offer some of the most attractive and affordable courses that would help you get the best results in terms of your professional interests.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Image Editing with GIMP

Image Editing with GIMP Why Should You Use GIMP to Edit Photos? ChaptersGIMP, a Free Photo Editing ProgrammeGIMP, an Easy-to-use Photo Editing PackageGIMP, a Versatile Image Editing Tool“I love the people I photograph. I mean, they’re my friends. I’ve never met most of them or I don’t know them at all, yet through my images I live with them.” - Bruce GildenEditing photos has become an important part of many people’s professional and personal lives. Thanks to the various functions and features in photo editing software, you can remove imperfections from family photos or resize photos.There are several programmes on the market including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom, and GIMP. The latter is a free photo editor that has a number of advantages.More and more Brits are learning how to edit photos.With so much competition about, why should you use GIMP to edit your photos?In this article, we’re going to have a look at a few of the reasons! AllanPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPho tography Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TimothyPhotography Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Anosh nadeemPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoPhotography Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RosiePhotography Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MattPhotography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndyPhotography Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsGIMP, a Free Photo Editing ProgrammeAre you interested in cropping, layers or filters? Not really got the budget for a photo editor like Photoshop or has your free trial run out?Don’t panic! GIMP is here to save you.GIMP is free and accessible. (Source: OpenIcons)This free image editor is perfect for retouching photos!  Short for GNU Image Manipulation Program, GIMP was launched in 1984 by two Berkeley students Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis. 35 years l ater, this photo editing software is still one of the pioneers.The reasons are simple: it’s free and, therefore, accessible regardless of your budget. Inspired by Adobe Photoshop, it’s designed to look as much like the famous programme as possible, with all the same functions and settings. There are tutorials available if you need some help with it.GIMP was successful thanks to the fact that it was and still is free. You can download using any browser and you can easily crop and adjust the contrast and colours of your photos.Though not free, there's also Adobe Lightroom.GIMP, an Easy-to-use Photo Editing PackageWith an interface inspired by Photoshop that hopes to convert users to the cause, GIMP is intuitive and easy to use.GIMP is also quite easy to use. (Source: Monoar)You can download it very quickly as it’s a small package, bugs are rare, and you can always quickly use it to modify your snaps.GIMP has a clean interface and it won’t take you very long to master some of t he most common features, you can use it for photo manipulation on a variety of digital image formats.Find the best photography courses London thanks to Superprof.Understanding the Menus in GIMPTo effectively use GIMP, you just need to learn your way around the menus, which are fairly intuitive. These menus are a gateway to the settings and functions you’ll need to touch up your photos.Among the menus, you’ll find:File: This menu allows you to save, open, and print files as well as create entirely new ones.Edit: Here you’ll find options such as undo, redo, fill a layer with a given colour, copy, and paste.Select: You can use this menu to check part of an image and the other related features.Display: This menu allows you to add a grid, adjust the windows, or align certain toolbars.Image: Here you can see all the information pertaining to the image that you’re working on, crop it, duplicate it, or various global settings.Layers: This menu, which we’ll go into more detail on i n a bit, allows you to change the style of layers, add them, or alter them.Colors: Here you’ll find everything you could possibly want for altering the colours in your images. Tools: Here you can find tools like zoom or brightness.Filters: This menu includes all the effects you can add to an image like blurring, pencil effect, or rounding edges.Windows: Here you can configure your workspace and create your own toolbars.Help: Here is where you’ll need to go if you’re having any problems with the programme.The menus are intuitive and you can quickly find what you’re looking for when editing your images or photos. While this is free, you can get professional photo quality with this programme.Look up for some amazing online photography courses on Superprof.Understanding Layers in GIMPOften overlooked, the layers in GIMP are an important part of the programme. If you’re already familiar with Photoshop Elements, you’ll understand what layers are used for.GIMP has a lot of diff erent features and functions. (Source: Pexels)In short, a file, whether it’s jpeg, raw, or gif, includes several layers, one on top of the other. As you can image, the layer on the top will be the one you can see the most of. Thanks to layers, anyone can begin editing photos.A layer is made up of different elements which can include text, images, effects. In short, whatever you can do to an image. It’s the magic behind photo editing.In GIMP, there’s no limit to how many layers you can use and the “Layers” menu is dedicated to using them. This is where you’ll find all the relevant functions for working with layers and you can make collages or precisely edit photos with them.The Different Tools in GIMPJust like other free photo editing software, GIMP has plenty of interesting tools and options for altering photos. There are many different levels of tools that can transform certain snaps into works of art. Of course, this depends on the user, but the programme certainly hel ps.You can even use GIMP to edit your selfies. (Source: wilkernet)Of all the tools that GIMP allows you to use, some of the most significant includes:Selection tools that allow you to work on a certain part of a photo.Shape and colour tools: These allow you to alter certain aesthetics of the photos and text and make the photos more personal.Transformation tools: These allow you to rotate, align, and scale photos.Navigation tools: These include zooming or default colour.Retouch tools: This group of tools includes ways to improve the overall quality of your photo like its sharpness.Colour tools which allow you to choose certain shades from the whole image.As you’ll have understood, GIMP is a goldmine of useful tools for editing or retouching photos. It’s easy to use and in a few clicks, you can make your photo just as good as you could in products that you have to pay for.It's also worth trying Adobe Photoshop CC as part of the Adobe Creative Cloud.On a Mac?Consider using Aperture .GIMP, a Versatile Image Editing ToolGIMP, as a free programme, doesn’t have as many features or plugins as some of the other programmes on the market. However, there are a good number of tools that anyone could use in order to make their images better.Whether you’ve got a PC or a Mac, you can make use of GIMP.Firstly, one of the major benefits of GIMP is the various filetypes you can edit including hdr, gif, jpeg, and png. There are a few file types that aren’t supported by this programme.Furthermore, there’s a lot of freedom when using GIMP as it’s created and supported by its community. This community improves the programme as well as creating the plugins that any user can access.This all makes GIMP very versatile and useful for anyone who’s looking to retouch their photos. Some of the most important functions developed by the community include:Darktable, which allows you functions with other formats such as raw files.Liquid Rescale. This allows you to rescale only pa rt of a photo or image.Pandora can be used to make a panoramic image.Wavelet Decompose smooths out the graininess from a photo.And many others!You can download GIMP very quickly and start playing around with all the useful plugins created by the community.Who said photo editing was just for the pros?Removing red-eye, adding digital photo effects, improving a screenshot, altering the white balance, removing blurs and blemishes, adding tilt-shift, and other types of photo enhancement can all be done using this powerful programme.If you need help with photography, you should consider getting help from a private tutor. There are private tutors on Superprof offering face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials.Face-to-face tutorials are the most personal and have you and your tutor working together for the whole session. Of course, this bespoke service comes at a cost, making it the most costly type of tutorial available.Online tutorials are similar to face-to-face tutor ials with the main difference being that the tutor isn't physically in the room with you. Thanks to services like Skype, a tutor can teach you remotely using a webcam and an internet connection.Finally, there are group tutorials. In these types of tutorials, there are several students and just one tutor.So are you ready to start editing your photos?GIMP is one of the photo editors that won't break the bank.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Graphing Linear Equation Worksheets

Graphing Linear Equation Worksheets Graphing linear equation worksheets involves problems on linear equation in two variables. The graph of a linear equation with the two variables always gives a straight line. To draw graph of linear equation in tow variable x and y follow the steps given below. First rewrite the given equation with y as the subject. Select some values of x and find corresponding values of y. Plot the points on the graph and then connect all the points by a straight line. The given below two examples shows the graph of linear equation in two variables. Example 1:- Draw the graph of 2x +3y = -6 Solution 1:- The given equation 2x + 3y = -6, it can be written as 3y = -2x 6 or y = - (2/3) x 6 Select any three values of x, say 0,3 and find the corresponding value of y When x = 0 then y = - 2/3 . 0 2 = -2 When x = 3 then y = -2/3 . 3 2 = -4 Now plot x ,y points A(0, -2) and B (3, -4) in a graph. The graph of given equation is given in the adjoining figure. Check that the third point lies on the line. Example 2:- The graph of a linear equation in x and y passes through A(-1,-1) and B ( 2 , 5). Find the values of h and k if the graph passes through (h, k) and (1/2, k) Solution 2:- Plot the points A (-1,-1) and B (2, 5 to meet the graph ) on a graph and draw a straight line passing through these points. Through y = 4, draw a horizontal line to meet the graph of the straight line AB at the point p. Through P, draw a vertical line which meet x- axis at x = 3/2 So, h = 3/2 Similarly, through x= , draw a vertical line to meet the graph at Q. through Q, draw a horizontal line which meets y- axis at y= 2 So, k=2 Hence h = 3/2 and k = 2

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Calculus Problems and Answers

Calculus Problems and Answers Calculus Problems and Answers are basically the solved calculus problems. It involves calculus solved problems especially the solved differential calculus and integral calculus. This will help also help in practicing the same. And it is advantages because one can verify the solution after solving the problem. The answers of Calculus problems are generally defined separately from the questions. The better clarity can be developed from the examples and its solution. The examples are as shown below:- Example 1:- Find the derivative of the function f(x) = x4/x2 Solution 1:- Given function is f(x) = x4/x2 To find: - d/dx f(x) We know that, d/dx (x4/x2) = d/dx ( x4-2) Therefore, d/dx (x4/x2) = d/dx (x2) = 2x So d/dx (x4/x2) = 2x. Therefore, d/dx (x4/x2) = 2x Hence d/dx (x4/x2) = 2x is the solution. Example 2:- Find the integration of 1+x3 dx Solution 2:- Given function is 1+x3 Here we have to find the integration of 1+x3 Now we know that, xn.dx = xn+1/ n+1 + c, Here c is constant of integration Therefore, 1+x3 dx = 1. dx + x3 dx= x + (x3+1/ 3+1) + c = x+ x4/4+ c So the integration of 1+x3 dx = = x+ x4/4+ c , here c is constant of integration. This is one of calculus problem and example. In this case, it is basically a integral calculus and its answers

Where Can I Learn How to Paint

Where Can I Learn How to Paint A Guide to Art Classes and Painting Lessons in the UK ChaptersLearn How to Paint through an Art Club or AssociationFinding Specific Art Classes or Painting Courses OnlineArt Classes for Free - Study Art at A-Level!Learning to Paint at Art School!Definitions - Learning to Paint'Begin by learning to draw and paint like the old masters. After that, you can do as you like; everyone will respect you.' ?  Salvador DalíIn the UK, you have the luxury of being able to take a stroll through the city and discovering some of the country's most beautiful watercolour paintings, impressionist oil paintings, portrait paintings, landscape paintings or even digital paintings.Let your imagination run wild as you wander around contemporary art galleries, such as the Tate Modern and rub shoulders with some of the  47 million annual visitors to the UK's art galleries and museums.Learning to PaintLearning to paint and learning to draw are activities anyone can partake in - despite what you might think! Of course, not everyone can become a professional painte r of the same calibre as the likes of Van Gogh or Rembrandt but it is possible to learn drawing and painting skills by taking art classes.Art and painting classes will teach you the basics of oil painting techniques, acrylic painting techniques and drawing techniques, mixing colours, perspective, shadows, layers, scrumbling and still life painting skills.Yet some people will obviously be a lot further off from becoming a master painter and reeling off acrylic art masterpieces than others   (yes, I'm talking about me here ^^)…Once you have got to grips with basic painting techniques and painting with different kinds of brushes you will be able to start on your next watercolour or oil paint artistic masterpiece!Professional Painters and Amateur ArtistsThere are a number of different ways to learn to paint and different paths will apply to those looking  to paint professionally and those simply wanting to start painting classes in order to develop a hobby.Get your watercolour palette and brushes ready because this article will help you find out which route is best for you! FernandoPainting Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaPainting Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidPainting Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPainting Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StefaniaPainting Teacher 5.00 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SakinaPainting Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenPainting Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Off2themoonholliePainting Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsLearn How to Paint through an Art Club or AssociationBe it abstract art or representational art, take in your surroundings and let your imagination do the talking! (Source: Visual Hunt)Art Course CostsThe amount of money involved in the Art industry is enough to turn head s when it comes to selling a particularly rare canvas but when it comes to paying for painting lessons it can put quite a few people off.But that is not to say that just because art with a capital A  is a completely inaccessible market for the majority of people that the same also goes for painting classes.A number of community painting clubs, associations and organisations run beginners' painting courses at very affordable prices. You won't have to tighten any purse strings if you want to be an oil paint and acrylic paint pro or create a magnificent watercolour painting or landscape painting after all!And to convince you, here a few advantages of learning to paint at an association  near you:The cost -  certain organisations provide 2-hour long painting classes at around £30 a month. The majority of these types of organisations also allow art lovers to pay solely for use of the facilities and just bring their unfinished artwork with them. They also offer concessionary prices for the unemployed, seniors and students.The friendliness -  the atmosphere in a public or community painting class is usually more relaxed than in an art school! Offering mutual support to fellow artists is one of the key values of this kind of organisation and can really help to improve your technique in oil painting, acrylic painting or watercolour painting and you may even learn about painting by helping others with a composition.Creative freedom -  a lot of art organisations and clubs require art students to bring their own incomplete artwork and personal projects with them to class and encourage them to use a bit of artistic licence to finish projects using a variety of art materials, such as coloured crayons, watercolours, oils, pastels or paints. Taking art classes in a community organisation will thus enable you to learn to paint step by step whilst at the same time fostering creativity.Personal tutoring - community art classes are often very small and allow you to have the ben efit of one-on-one interactions with the art teacher. This kind of art instruction is sometimes almost like having a painting tutorial and you can really improve a lot under this kind of art instruction.Community Art Courses vs Art SchoolSome people believe that beginners' community course art teachers lack the strictness and quality of those of art schools.However, they can provide some helpful painting tips and are usually highly qualified, assessed on their artistic talent in their own right and for their ability to lead painting workshops before they are chosen. Like any other art teacher, the majority of their wages are funded by the art course fees paid for by the students.If you are concerned about the quality of an abstract painting, life drawing or painting and drawing class then why not try a trial session. It is the best way to get rid of any false preconceptions you may have and to see if the class suits you.Finding Specific Art Classes or Painting Courses OnlineEven the greatest painters had to start somewhere! (Source: Visual Hunt)Finding a painting teacher online can seem complicated with all the different adverts that flash across the screen whenever you open a new page. However, in reality, all you need is to be organised enough in your search for the perfect match!Grab a pen and jot down a few essential criteria that you will require of your future acrylic painting course!Art Course CriteriaGeographical location  Level taught - are you a total beginner or would you ideally like to try out an arts course that lets you perfect various artistic techniques?Level and qualifications of the teacherType of arts course proposed - one-on-one  classes by yourself, in a group, via a webcam or in person...Speciality  still life, working with gouache or watercolour paints, sketching, Chinese painting,   esquisse, sculptingResponse timeBudgetAll of the above criteria will not only help you find an art course perfect for you but will also affect the hourly c ost of classes  for learning how to draw. Make sure that you have adjusted your criteria according to the price that you want to pay for classes before you start your search.Art Class Equipment MaterialDon't forget that purchasing painting and art equipment materials will also be quite costly! You will need to buy or prepare an easel, canvas and pieces of scrap cloth as well as a paintbrush (or a set of paintbrushes), paints (watercolour/acrylic/oil/gouache),  crayons, marker pens, chalk pastels, clay or charcoal pencils depending on what kind of art project you would like to undertake.Finding an Art Teacher Near MeHere at  Superprof, we have more than 1,500 art teachers  who are based all over the UK and ready to provide you with painting and art classes and courses. The platform is really handy as it is so easy to use and the majority of our teachers offer the first lesson or hour free! Taking a trial lesson is a good way of getting to know if you are a good fit with the teacher a nd if the course will meet your expectations. FernandoPainting Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaPainting Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidPainting Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPainting Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StefaniaPainting Teacher 5.00 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SakinaPainting Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenPainting Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Off2themoonholliePainting Teacher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsArt Classes for Free - Study Art at A-Level!A-Level or Extracurricular Art?If you studied Art and Design or Design and Technology (DT) at GCSE (or even if you didn't) it is still possible to do art at college. If you are thinking of doing painting professionally or you think it will complement your other subjects in a way that will help you follow your desired career path you can take Art and Design or DT as one of your AS or A-level subjects.If you are not quite sure what you want to do or want to take up humanities or scientific subjects then you could always choose art as one of your optional modules to study outside of your main subjects a few hours a week. Most colleges also offer extracurricular art classes and clubs that run on a weekly basis.Considering sculpting? Remember to take photos of your sculptures and use them in your oral presentations or portfolio! (Source: Visual Hunt)Art at Sixth-Form CollegeNot many people really learn how to start painting at Sixth-Form. Most people already have a sound grasp of how to paint or draw before they embark upon A-level art and use the course as a way to define their own artistic style and put together a portfolio of work from sketches and drafts that eventually become full-blown projects.Specific drawing, painting sculpting or modelling techni ques can be refined during the  5-6 hours of weekly art lessons,  which is the minimum amount of study time but you will still need to spend long hours outside of class time studying other works and finding themes that can be applied to your projects.In most colleges, AQA AS and A-level Art and Design exams and portfolio visits by an external examiner take place around June time:AS Level Component 1 (Portfolio) - the portfolio of work constitutes 60% of the Art and Design AS and is calculated with full marks being 96 marks. There is no time limit for the portfolio as it is not conducted under exam conditions, which means you can take it home or even to the park to complete!AS Level  Component 2 (Externally Set Assignment)  -the externally set assignment constitutes 40% of the overall Art and Design AS and is also calculated with full marks being 96 marks. The assignment is conducted under exam conditions with a preparatory period and  10  hours of supervised time.A-level Component 1 (Personal Investigation) - like the portfolio at AS, the personal investigation constitutes 60% of the Art and Design A-level and is calculated with full marks being 96 marks. There is no time limit for the personal investigation as it is not conducted under exam conditions.A-level Component 2 (Externally Set Assignment)  -  the externally set assignment constitutes 40% of the overall Art and Design A-level and is also calculated with full marks being 96 marks. The assignment is conducted under exam conditions with a preparatory period and  15 hours of supervised time.If you do not pass or did not get the marks you hoped for with regards to elements of your AS level, you can always retake them during the January resit period. If you think you deserved a higher grade then you were given for either of your exams and think you were unfairly marked then you can always request that your work is sent off to be remarked.Optional Art ModulesNo matter what A-level or AS subjects you choose, almost all colleges offer the option to also take additional classes in art as part of your optional module.Optional modules usually constitute one or two hours a week of study and are very often not assessed at the end of the year but simply offer you a way of enriching your studies for free.Optional art courses that you have taken are also a handy thing to mention in your personal statement when it comes to applying for a university as they show that you are a creative and well-rounded individual.Learning to Paint at Art School!If you pursue your studies in fine art, painting or any other type of art at an art school then you have probably already decided that you would like to take-up art professionally.Inspiration can be found in the strangest of places - in realist paintings, decorative paintings, landscape paintings, or even in your back garden! (Source: Visual Hunt)Art School ApplicationAn art school will help you to progress in your artistic work and help to improve your st yle, whatever material you are using - whether it be watercolours, pastel chalk, coloured pencil or whatever else it may be. Before you are accepted onto a course you will be assessed accordingly and will, therefore, be required to have a solid foundation in painting and drawing.The process of getting accepted into an art course can seem quite complicated as more than just a specific type of profile, they are looking for people with their own personalities whose values match those of the art school and who have a certain sensitivity and cultural and artistic awareness.Pre-ApplicationBefore you even apply, remember that at some of the most prestigious art schools, such as the Royal College of Art, which is not only ranked best in the UK but also in the world, you will need to be capable of working long hours and working independently, willing to persevere and be highly demanding of yourself. Curiosity is obviously an important quality to have when trying to get into an art school.Tak ing a course in Art and Design at A-level whilst you are at Sixth-Form College can help you to find your own style and build up a portfolio of work to present during the application process. Make sure that you also develop your own general artistic cultural background at the same time.Taking a year out after you finish your A-levels to take foundation art courses  where you can understand more about colour theory, colour mixing and other techniques all whilst further developing your portfolio is advised. Gaining inspiration through travel is also not a bad idea and may you in order to get the best chance of being accepted.Choose carefully when it comes to selecting an art school and do not apply to too many at the same time or you risk sending off an application that is too general and gets rejected.Target the art schools that correspond most with what you are looking for, for example, graphic art, visual art, animation, etc.Art School Assessment CriteriaPreparing for the interview process is essential!Even though each art school has its own selection and assessment process, most follow basic procedures when it comes to application assessments:Drawing AssessmentGeneral Culture AssessmentInterview - where you show your portfolio or defend your artistic work and explain your inspiration and aims (10-15 pieces of work done with different mediums).There may even be a foreign language assessment  and another supervised group work assignment in order to observe your personality when working with others and the way that you work. This is important as being an artist is actually quite a solitary activity but at school, we are constantly taught to work in teams and as part of a group!Art School and University Tuition Fees in the UK can be quite astronomical with rates as high as £9,000 a year, which can really set you back a bit even if you are eligible for a student loan. A cheaper alternative is to head for warmer shores and study somewhere on the continent where ev en fees for world famous schools, such as the School of Fine Art (Ecole des Beaux Arts) in Paris are next to nothing.Beware, competition is rife though!If you don't really fancy going to art school you can also take art foundation classes at vocational colleges, such as Cambridge Regional College, or attend a university art course offered by universities such as Leeds Univerisity.Doing an art course at an art school or university in the UK can be quite a costly ventureOf course, this will be a little more pricey than venturing abroad and can be just as competitive!Definitions - Learning to PaintIf you not new to the world of arts and crafts and have already been learning how to paint for some time now, terms such as glazing, ink wash or literati painting, pigments, graphite, turpentine oil and impasto (Italian art categorized by thick paint) will probably already be part of your everyday artistic vocabulary!What is a Posca?Posca is almost like a cross between watercolour paints and a brush for painting. It is a water-based marker pen that can be used on a wide variety of textures (wood, textile, slate, porcelain, etc.).It is available in a range of colours, both primary colours and a whole range of secondary colours from white to titanium to deep sea blue and can be used for blending, creating tones and mimicking strokes of a watercolour brush to create really realistic and precise effects.What is Turpentine Oil?Turpentine oil is an essential oil obtained through purification and distillation of turpentine. It is an excellent solvent to use on fatty materials and is therefore essential for oil painting! It is, however, less commonly used for other forms of painting like watercolour painting or acrylic painting, which use paints that are not as thick as oil paints.Most painting beginners do not know this handy painting tip that turpentine oil actually helps to speed up the drying process - so you'll no longer have to carry on watching paint dry!

Study Tricks to Learn Vocabulary

Study Tricks to Learn Vocabulary Numerous techniques for conquering vocabulary extend beyond the standard method of memorizing a list of words. Certain techniques are predictable, while others are more imaginative. Regardless of how you choose to learn unfamiliar terminology, ensure you allow yourself ample time in which to do so. Truly enhancing ones vocabulary is not something that occurs overnight. Whether you decide to learn independently or with an English tutor, the study tricks below can help you ultimately learnvocabulary terms. Divide vocabulary lists into small portions First and foremost, it is very important that students do not overwhelm themselves with new terms. Memorizing an intensive list of vocabulary within a short timeframe is likely to be ineffective and frustrating. Instead of attempting to remember a large number of words at one time, attempt to learn one term well each day. The key to successfully expanding ones vocabulary is consistency; this means you should review each day, but not for an extended period of time. Little by little, you can incorporate an astonishing number of words. And you will not exhaust yourself, either. You may also want to consider these 5 random items to help you study. Use vocabulary words in context Utilizing a new vocabulary word in a relevant context is just as essential as learning the terms definition. If you have memorized the meaning of a word but do not understand how to apply it within a sentence, the term will not be of much help to you. So, once you have mastered a words definition, you should aim to use that term at least once during the day. Studies show that an individual is far more likely to recall a new word if he/she was able to employ it in a fitting situation. Read as often as possible Another excellent way tolearnvocabulary is by reading literature. This includes articles, magazines, newspapers, novels, and so forth. Classic novels, in particular, are known for their extensive and lofty lexicon. However, it should be noted that reading is not a rapid method for mastering vocabulary. Instead, reading is a long-term approach to increasing ones terminology. You should not expect to see vast improvements immediately. Annotate passages Certain students form a habit of brushing past unknown words when they encounter them in their readings. Though it may be tempting, this is a practice you should avoid if you wish to broaden the scope of your vocabulary. Instead, circle words in your readings that are unfamiliar to you and then determine what they mean. Keep a dictionary near when you read so that you can easily search for definitions and record them. This is a wonderful way to increase your vocabulary and your understanding of the reading material at the same time. Here are some tips on how to annotate text. Learn a foreign language Many words in the English language are derived from Latin. Studying foreign languages, especially the romance languages, may aid you in learning additional words in English. For example, the Spanish term sagaz means shrewd, which is extremely similar to the word sagacious in English. Not surprisingly, sagacious also means shrewd. This is just one of a countless number of words that are alike in both English and Spanish. The same can be said of French and Italian, as well. Foreign language study is reputed to assist students significantly on the vocabulary portions of the SAT. If you pay more attention in foreign language class, you just might improve your grade in English, too! Here are 5 tips for learning a foreign languagethat you may find helpful. Get to know the English tongue Another practical technique to learnvocabulary is studying morphology. Morphology is a field that analyzes the structure and parts of words. It is always a wise idea to be well versed on common English prefixes, roots, and suffixes. For example, recognizing that the prefix inter means between can aid you in understanding a number of words, even if you have never encountered those terms before. Perhaps interdependent is an unfamiliar word to you, but you are likely familiar with the word dependent. Thus, if you know what the prefix inter implies, you will be able to deduce that interdependent means dependent on one another. When it seems impossible to memorize your vocabulary words, turn to morphologyand the above techniquesto ease the process.

Can I cite Wikipedia as a source

Can I cite Wikipedia as a source No. Not a good idea. Nope. Just no. Right, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let me tell you how you CAN use Wikipedia when researching a paper, project or presentation. Encyclopedias of one type or another have been relied upon for general information since at least the ancient world. From Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia from the 1st century CE, to Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al-Razis encyclopedia of science from the 10th century CE, to the 28,000 folio volumes of the Yongle Encyclopedia completed in China in 1408 CE, to the monumental French Encyclopédie published between 1751-1772 CE, to the encyclopedias of the 20th century CE like Britannica and World Book, repositories of general knowledge have been required as humans strive for understanding of the world. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits and challenges of studying history, you can read more blog post on the topic here!Now those of us of a certain age will remember the time before internet se arch engines, where we were taught that a starting point for our research paper was our school or local library’s encyclopedia collection. There we could find general information about our topics of choice, and then we would take that new knowledge to the card catalog or librarian to start looking for books on our topics. Now I clearly remember teachers explicitly telling me and my fellow students “Do not use the encyclopedia as one of your sources!” when we visited the school library to find sources for our papers. This, in my mind, echoes the teachers of today who frequently tell their students “Do not use Wikipedia as one of your sources!”. The difference though, as mentioned earlier, is that the teachers of my childhood would recommend we start with encyclopedias, especially when we knew little or nothing about our chosen topics. People today seem to automatically dismiss the usefulness of Wikipedia though, which I find short sighted. Of course a student should not cit e Wikipedia, just like the students of the past were not allowed to cite print encyclopedias. Wikipedia is the primary modern encyclopedia, and it has just as many flaws and biases as print encyclopedias of the past. Just like many book encyclopedias, Wikipedia has a severe lack of female editors or even pages about significant women of history or even present day. So saying that Wikipedia has sometimes inaccurate and biased information, while true, does not negate its usefulness since all other sources out there suffer from similar issues. The key is to teach students how to spot the biases, the exaggerations, the inaccuracies and then how to handle them. Teachers then need to remind students that it is not just print sources or articles from digital databases that have biased or imperfect information, it is also seemingly neutral sources like Wikipedia. A key aspect of the DBQ essay of the AP histories is to engage with the biases of the sources while making an argument. Asking qu estions like: Who is the audience for this source? What is the author’s purpose? What is the author’s background? What information are they potentially leaving out either consciously or unconsciously? Students are then taught to think about how the answers to these questions affect the sources’ information so that they can effectively qualify it and use it helpfully in their essay. Just because a source is biased or factually problematic does not mean it is not a useful source that should be ignored. Similarly, students should be taught that resources they use to get to source materials should be equally examined for bias and other issues. Thus, just because Wikipedia is also often biased or otherwise problematic it should not be ignored as a resource (NOT a source), since similar resources and actual sources themselves are just as biased.Our humanities tutors excel at helping students develop the core skills of research, critical thinking, and writing that are crucial for suc cess in English, in history, and in life. If you’d like to help your student develop these skills or get support in English, history, or social science coursework, please contact us today!Despite bias, Wikipedia is a great starting place for research because it can help students find key search terms and even potential sources. Say a student wants to write a paper on the Sepoy Rebellion for their world history class, but while they know that it is an example of Indians (not Native Americans) resisting British imperialism sometime in the 1800s, they may not know much else. Going to Wikipedia will give them not only the exact date (1857 CE), but also information like other names for the rebellion including: the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Sepoy Mutiny, the Indian Mutiny, the Great Rebellion, the Revolt of 1857, the Indian Insurrection, and the First War of Independence. Therefore when they are searching for information in a digital database of academic articles or searching truste d historical websites, they will have other alternative terms to search and hopefully find more information. They will also find other specific information that they could use as search terms in more academic sources like the names of people involved (one of the most interesting being Lakshmibai, the Rani of Jhansi, a queen who is now a cultural figure of resistance to British rule), the exact regions that rebelled, the reasons for rebellion (more than just the British exploiting the Indian people), and beyond. Finally, Wikipedia often has references at the bottom of an article and even direct citations that students can then track down. Even if students cannot find the exact same sources that are listed in the article, they can at least get the names of scholars or authors who write on the topic the student has chosen, which can also help them when searching for source materials.So Wikipedia, like any other encyclopedia, is a great starting point resource for students. It is certai nly not a source, and should therefore not be cited, but it is a helpful resource. For those of you wanting an overview of the Sepoy Rebellion along with lists of fascinating secondary and primary sources please see this Wikipedia article about it.If you’d like to learn more about how our humanities tutors work with students to develop core academic skills in a customized, 1-on-1 environment, please give us a call.